Tuesday, 8 January 2008


The Following is a list of the methodologies that will be implemented into the design and prototyping/ evaluation of the interaction design project. Hopefully the methodologies will aid the group in providing a prototype that meets our requirements.

(1) Wizard of OZ: To facilitate prototyping interventions that have not yet been implemented into the functionality of the design

(2) Observational: To monitor the users as they use the prototype, to allow us to make required changes and preform at least 1 iteration of the design cycle

(3) Retro-Spective: To film a prototyping session, which shows basic functionality of the space

(4) Co - Discovery: To allow uses to collaborate together to see if the design promotes the ability for the to create a conceptual modal enabling them to use the space.

(5) Inquiry: To ask questions that will aid us in redesign. i.e. how they felt, what they liked, would they use it again.

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