1. Requirements
Through the use of questionnaires (see benchmarking section) we attempted to ascertain users’ current perceptions of the space and what they would like to see in the future.
2. Analysis
We then analysed the results of the questionnaire and identified the key concepts and issues relating to the space and what could potentially be seen in the future.
3. Design
Once the key concepts were highlighted we then set about the design process, generating various ideas based on what the users would like to see the space used for.
4. Iteration and Prototyping
This was possibly the most lengthy phase of the design process, as we came up with a variety of prototypes (see design phases section) and adjusted these through various cycles, based on their evaluation and re-evlaiuation.
5. Implementation and Deployment
The final design! Once this was agreed we completed the final prototype for presenting.
Source: Dix, A., Finlay, J., Abowd, G.D. and Beale, R. (2004): Human-Computer Interaction. Third Edition. London: Prentice Hall Publishers
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