Saturday, 17 November 2007
Stakeholder Map and Target group
A proposed stakeholder map was created with the intension of identify perceived users and interest groups.
A revised stakeholder map was created after observing how the space was used and questioning the users about their demographics. As expected the main use of the area was as a shortcut saving a few seconds off their journey used by many students and staff. Few also whilst passing used the bins and several sat down for a moment on the seats. Those who used the seats for more than a minute were usually none students and either non lecturing staff eating lunch; elderly users having a rest or homeless.
Target Users
The space will be designed with the intention of appealing to UCLan members only. Whilst the space may be appealing to staff, students and the community it is deemed necessary to aim at the core demographics based in and around the space namely students with the considerations outlined in the above diagram and bring back the space to the students.
Monday, 22 October 2007
Whose Line is it anyway (Role Playing)!
Artist: Expression, Art Gallart outside for the public to display work, A giant graffitti wall, Vibrant colours and images, a place for relaxation.
Aritect: Provide shelter, Create a stonger foundation and focal point, better seating and facilites.
People: Life, Create links, Community bonding, Find a common language, sharing experiences, people around other people, feeling happy.
Diveristy: Comming together for a common goal, representation of the world, multicultural.
Tree's: Brach, Networking, community, Growth.
Circle: Community, Harmony, Life.
Light: Darkness, With Darkness you need light for guidence, finding you way home, draws a community together, Help in a time of nee, shining light beacon of hope and strengh.
Colours: The array of human emmotions.
Envisioning the Concept (At and Abstract Level) Part 2
As a group we decided to perform a Post-It Note Analysis as stated earlier in this blogg.
We had 3 categories,
(1) A Random Word,
(2) An Activity, and
(3) Element of Space.
Individually we added a word to each of the 3 categories,
Element of Space produced: Catus, Air, Greenary, Nature, Landmark, Path, Central Focal Point, and Question.
Activity produced: Jump, Visual Effects, Cold, Tricks, Comtemplation, Talking, Communicate, and Interaction.
Random Words produced: Feel, Water, Ecosystem, Height, Comfortable, Belief, Beacon, and Diversity.
Fig (1) shows the initial stage of producing the individual post-it notes, and organising them into their relevant categories.
Stage 2 comprised of grouping the notes, (notes that could be linked together via a common bond.)
Fig (2) shows grouping the notes together that are considered by memebers of the group to have a relevant link.
(Post-it Note Group Example:)Stage 3 of the Post-It Note Analysis was to make not of the connections made between the 3 categories.
Envisioning the Concept (At and Abstract Level)
The Task at hand was to generate concepts at an abstract level to help facilitate the production of ideas and help in the over all design of the interactive interface.
Friday, 19 October 2007
First Meeting
* All important group name - WARP Interaction (Will, Arron, Richard, Paul) You know you love it!
* Recapped over lecture and assignment - discussing overall task and objectives for next week.
* Preparation for next meeting - Each group member should prepare:
- post it notes of words for actions of the space, elements of the space and random words
- metaphors
- role plays identifying how users will utilize the space
* Next meeting is scheduled for Friday 19th October